
Sunday, July 7, 2019

A Note on Hendersonville Firefighters

A post from the spouse of a Hendersonville Firefighter:

It's a long one but, worth the read....
For months, I have sat silently observing from the sidelines as small-town politics has escalated to a level of hostility that I, quite frankly, find embarrassing. It has been nothing short of jaw-dropping, swinging from childish whining to vicious outbursts. Some of the topics, accusations and associated responses have left me stunned. The seemingly “tender feelings” of local political candidates, elected officials, as well as friends/supporters of these folks is just unbelievable. In my opinion, politics is nasty business and anyone who enters that arena should be prepared for the fact that it is highly unlikely they will be everyone’s favorite. Someone is going to win. Those who don’t win will lose… there are no consolation prizes or participation trophies in political contests.
22 years ago, I felt the need to speak out, sharing my thoughts as the wife of a Hendersonville Firefighter. In those days, addressing the community was done through “letters to the editor”. Today, secondary to social media, we can publish our opinions, thoughts and feelings anytime we want, making them available for all to see…. Today, I am doing that very thing - one more time!
In recent days there have been numerous attacks targeting the Hendersonville Fire Department, IAFF Local 3460, and the integrity & ethics of those associated with one or both of these organizations.
Now…. Pay close attention because I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea or become confused…
My husband is an employee of the Hendersonville Fire Department. I love my husband very much and I could not be prouder of his continuing career with the Hendersonville Fire Department. Beginning as a rookie firefighter, he has progressed through the ranks – Engineer, Senior Firefighter, Captain, and now he proudly serves as an Investigator under the supervision of FM Paul Varble. When he initially accepted his HFD position, August 1992, OUR family became an “HFD Family”, and that means more than most can understand or comprehend. Since that time, nearly 27 years ago, my husband has proudly & competently served his community and fellow citizens – fighting fire, assisting the Hendersonville community (and others) in times of crisis & disaster, providing fire prevention & safety education to students, rendering aid to the sick & injured, mentoring young people who have hit a bump in the road, and so much more. He has witnessed life beginning and life ending – he has observed great joys and witnessed unspeakable sorrows, some that haunt him still. His chosen profession is not an easy or simple one, rather it is one of service & sacrifice, a price he is not only willing but, proud to pay – Serve & Protect – more than empty, hollow words to our family.
Michael is not only a career employee of the HFD but, he is a Charter Member of IAFF Local 3460. For those who are not familiar with the IAFF, here is the short version… The IAFF was organized and established in 1918 to unite fire fighters for better wages, improved safety and greater service for their communities. This is still their primary mission today, in 2019. The IAFF has become the voice of the fire fighter, the protector of the protector. Always on the frontline, the IAFF has been the leader in advancements that have improved the service, safety, and lives of all members.
I am sick to my stomach over the way the members of the HFD and IAFF Local 3460 have been unfairly targeted… spewed judgments, hateful backhanded comments, and near harassment. It only seems fair to say, if you insist on unfairly & inaccurately judging these men by calling them out in a public forum, in a manner one would expect from small children, you should know what you are talking about!
It seems that more than a few, within the Hendersonville community, could benefit from taking the time to educate themselves on the facts regarding what firefighters do, when they do it and why they do it – I might suggest that you start with some basic knowledge on the difference between the HFD and IAFF Local 3460. I recommend that you get yourself a computer, note pad, and a pen so you can notate and sort all these facts & details in a way that can be easily absorbed.
To make all this boring research a bit easier for you, I am going to give you a little jump start...
Hendersonville Fire Department (aka HFD) is a City of Hendersonville department – those who work in the HFD are employees of the City of Hendersonville.
IAFF Local 3460 is an affiliate of the International Association of Fire Fighters, a labor union representing paid full-time firefighters and emergency medical services personnel in the United States and Canada. The IAFF is the driving force behind nearly every advance in the fire and emergency services in the 21st century. With headquarters in Washington, DC, and Ottawa, Ontario, the IAFF represents more than 316,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics in more than 3,400 affiliates. IAFF members protect more than 85 percent of the population in communities throughout the United States and Canada. One of the most active lobbying organizations in Washington, DC., the IAFF Political Action Committee, FIREPAC, is among the top one-half of one percent of the nearly 6,000 federally registered PACs in the country.
In case you are missing the point here, while IAFF Local 3460 membership is predominantly comprised of professional firefighters from the Hendersonville area, the IAFF is NOT, nor has it ever been an extension or entity of the City of Hendersonville or the HFD. Simply put, members of the IAFF Local 3460 are private citizens that share a common career path and hold membership status in an organization that supports & promotes matters which are pertinent to their choice of careers.
Are you catching on??? Maybe not???
The IAFF and its affiliate members have accomplished many wonderful things since 1918 – some of which have been accomplished by supporting political candidates who recognize, value, and support the service & sacrifice made by fire service personnel. This is not a violation of trust, this is not a personal vendetta, this is not a popularity contest, this is not child’s play… this is a matter of life & death. For fire service personnel – proper equipment & facilities, thorough training, staffing, etc. - these things are necessary to ensure the safety of fire service personnel, as well as the citizens & visitors in the community they serve. When the members of IAFF Local 3460 choose to support a political candidate, for whatever reason, it is their decision to make and execute.
Now let’s delve a little deeper… As I said before, should the IAFF Local 3460 make the decision to support a political candidate, they are free to do so. How they select said candidate or candidates is subject to approval only by the membership. Historically, the IAFF, and its local affiliates, have provided candidate support (physical & financial) to those who have stated or demonstrated a strong pro-emergency service stance. Makes sense to me… support those who support you… not a complicated concept or idea. Isn’t that how most individuals and organizations select the candidates who will receive their campaign support or vote at the polls?
Selecting a candidate with strong, pro-emergency service stance is particularly important to those of us with a loved one in fire service. Consider this… most folks say something along the lines of “be safe” or “be careful” when a family member departs for work but, when you are a fire service family those words, often recited out of habit by others, mean a little more, they resonate a little deeper. When a firefighter goes to work, he is making a silent pledge to put himself in harm’s way if the need arises. Give that some thought, every time a firefighter reports to his fire house for duty , he is reaffirming his public commitment to put his life in peril should the need arise, to jeopardize his health & safety to protect YOU & YOURS… folks this is not a joke… this is a way of life – we signed up for it and we take it seriously! So, trust me when I say, the members of the HFD are the finest, most noble, ethical, committed people you will ever encounter. I know this because for nearly 27 years I have depended on these men to see that my husband returned to me, my children, and my grandchildren safe, sound & whole – just as the other HFD families have trusted him to do for them.
Now here is where things get a bit dicey for me… I could get down in the trenches, I could participate in the sharing of nasty innuendo or spewing of unnecessary, unproductive personal slurs but, that is of no benefit. So, I am working hard at keeping it civil.
There has been much talk and accusation regarding the possibility of fire service personnel campaigning while on duty… Folks, it didn’t happen! Save your money, save your time, save your breath… Write it down, Hi-lite with a marker, Circle it in red… NOT AN ISSUE!!! There is just nothing else to say about that subject. Put it to bed!
Clothing… really? What did the members of the IAFF 3460 wear when accompanying their chosen candidate on campaign outings? This is your concern? Have you ever visited an HFD fire station? If so, I am quite certain you have never encountered on-duty personnel wearing an untucked t-shirt and khaki pants! First, let me say… I could clothe a small village of people using only my husband’s unofficial clothing that reflects his career in Fire Service… shirts from MDA campaigns, breast cancer awareness shirts, “house” shirts, union shirts, custom-made shirts from friends, family and any number of other sources… we’ve got shirts and lots of them but, NONE of them are official HFD Approved/Issued/Purchased Uniforms – those are different and something I assure you, he and his fire service brothers only wear when they are required… WHILE ON-DUTY! Again, let me provide a simplified example for those who are confused, do you or your child have a “class”, PTO, or other school reflective t-shirt? Owning & wearing such a shirt doesn’t mean you work for/with or are supported/endorsed by the school or board of education. Such an item simply displays your pride in being associated with a specific group and demonstrates that you are willing to spend your OWN money to display such feelings. Same thing here, friends! The black shirts that have so many in twist… They were created by an independent supplier, made available for purchase by HFD employees (for themselves, their family and/or friends), paid for by individuals who wished to purchase said shirt… Not unlike ordering any custom shirt on the internet or at a local makers market. Give it a rest – You can put that one to bed… No tax dollars used or spent on this one.
Next, let’s address the most popular word of the 2018/19… COLLUSION - - Merriam-Webster defines Collusion as a “secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose”. Nope, that doesn’t work either… there was nothing, secret, illegal or deceitful in the candidate support provided by IAFF Local 3460… It was plenty public, completely legal and NO ONE was deceived about their choice or coerced into supporting said decision.
So, one must ask… why are so many folks so very hostile regarding the activities of IAFF Local 3460 members? Why do private citizens continue to look for inappropriate behavior & action where there is none? Why the stubborn refusal to accept truthful, reasonable responses? Why is it preferable to engage in, even encourage, childish & non-productive behavior… name-calling, verbal assault, personal attacks & more? How is this conduct an appropriate choice for anyone who seeks to be taken seriously? Whether potential candidate, committed supporter or independent citizen – I can’t see how this methodology is, or will be, beneficial to any city or organization.
I speak ONLY for myself and to the subjects on which I feel adequately informed but, I can say this… if the current uninformed & unfounded rhetoric continues to call into question the ethics & integrity of HFD Employees and IAFF 3460 membership, I feel certain I will not be the only loved one to rise up and speak out. Cause, I can tell you now... we honor & respect our emergency services personnel for the job they do and the ethical way in which they represent themselves, their brothers & sisters in service, their department, their IAFF Local and their community. Their commitment is not to be taken lightly, mocked, or unfairly represented on our watch!

For more on news impacting Hendersonville and Sumner Co, follow @HvilleNews

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