
Monday, June 24, 2019


The Sumner County Commission tabled the 2019-2020 budget in a meeting last week after disagreement about funding for volunteer fire departments and other funding disputes.

The move comes as Sumner County enters a 5th consecutive year without any revenue increase. Here's more from the Hendersonville Standard:

After lengthy discussion and hearty citizen disapproval of stripping the volunteer fire department of funding, the commission voted to table the 2019-2020 fiscal year budget appropriations and to approve a continuation budget at 1:28 a.m. on June 18.
The continuation budget was approved by a vote of 21 – 2 and means that all department funding will stay as it is beginning on July 1 until a decision is reached. The appropriations were tabled and will be discussed at the next commission meeting on July.
“One thing to bear in mind when volunteer fire department came up, and that was a tough one, we had slotted $10,000 to $14,000 (each),” Taylor said, but the previously awarded $24,000 was not available due to additional expenses, such as the jail roof and repairs to jail locks.
“I’m going to ask for a one time $450,000 improvement for them, call it a tax increase, call it whatever you want,” he continued.
This was later approved by vote of 19 – 1 with 3 abstaining votes, though where the money would come from was not decided. It would give every volunteer fire department the $24,000 and also leave $130,000 for emergency services to distribute to other stations upon review. Donations and fundraising activities make up the rest of their funding.
While the County Commission struggles to fund growth, the Sumner County School Board sent a budget that included a 5th consecutive budget without a scale increase for teacher pay. Sumner County ranks 103rd in Tennessee in rate of teacher pay raises since 2014.

The situation last week echoes the early warning signs of fiscal crisis that preceded the 2012 closing of Sumner County Schools due to a budget impasse between the School Board and County Commission.

It will be interesting to see how the County Commission ultimate responds to this challenge. Will they move to increase revenue by way of a small property tax increase or will they shift funds in order to kick the can down the road or will they adjust priorities?

It seems many more early morning meeting adjournments may be forthcoming.

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