
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Have Another Drink, It's for the Schools!

So, a portion of the liquor-by-the-drink tax is supposed to be going to help fund schools. As it turns out, for each drink you drink at a bar or restaurant in Sumner, you are helping fund schools.  Well, sort of, anyway.  The thing is, the funds that were supposed to be sent to schools haven't been going there in ... well ... ever.

This is not a uniquely Sumner problem...but, it means schools will be getting an additional $200,000 a year over the next few years... to settle up on the monies they've missed out on by not getting the tax. 

Moreover, you can now feel a whole lot better about ordering that second Jack and Coke at your favorite watering hole.


  1. Has this 200,000/year plan been approved and how will it be split between the cities owed?

  2. It hasn't been approved officially, yet. Both the School Board and City Boards must approve. I believe the 200K represents Hendersonville's portion -- other cities owe smaller amounts.
