
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

That's one way to put it ...

County Commissioner Jim Vaughn is "applauding" the wisdom of Schools Director Del Phillips because Phillips is not asking for more funds for schools in this year's budget.

In short, Vaughn is gloating that after two budget cycles, Phillips has gotten the clear message that the County Commission (at least in its current form) won't be funding excellent schools.  They seem content with portable farms, low faculty and staff salaries, and supplies funded by PTOs and fundraising drives and supplemented by teachers. 

So, Phillips has taken better than expected numbers from the BEP and some county revenue growth and made the most of it, utilizing funds in a way that keeps schools going without asking for a start on the investment necessary for truly excellent schools.  The alternative was yet another fight with the County Commission that likely would have seen that body ignore the will of the public and continue to under-fund schools.  Layoffs mid-year would have likely followed.

Also, to say the budgets for all departments are passing early is a strange way of speaking.  The fiscal year begins on July 1st and budgets should (and can) be passed by that date.  In other words, this is the first time in a long time the County Commission has managed its business well enough to get their job done on time.  I'm sure if Jim Vaughn had an employee who completed work on time once very six years, he'd keep him on -- or even give him a raise? 

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