
Friday, March 15, 2013

Most Influential Named

Sumner County's Most Influential people and organizations have been named by Sumner County Publications (The Hendersonville Star News and Gallatin News Examiner).

Among the five most influential organizations in Sumner County, the papers named upstart advocacy group Strong Schools for their role in the 2012 school budget fight.  The paper noted that the organization didn't just organize parents for the key meetings in the budget struggle, but that they've continued encouraging parents and community members to attend Board and County Commission meetings.

Strong Schools members attend meetings and document and share their findings so more in the community can learn about what decisions impact schools.

The organization maintains a Facebook page with over 2000 members and sends out regular email updates on school-related meetings where key decisions will take place. 

From live-streaming County Commission meetings to providing meeting summaries that are easily and quickly shared, Strong Schools has changed the dynamic in Sumner County when it comes to discussion and action on public schools. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Strong Schools! Being noticed is the first step to making a lasting impact. Hopeful!
