
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Losing Focus?

So, the Focus Academies are going to be more focused on STEM ... and not so much on other things (like health occupations, performing arts, AP, or IB)

Here are some survey results and a presentation that explains what's happening next.

Several reasons.  1) The community at large is most interested in STEM - so, it seems that whatever school got the STEM Academy would be in highest demand -- that was originally Gallatin).  2) Budget issues.  It's not clear at all that the County Commission would support a fully-functional focus academy system  3) Some change is needed to move the district forward -- math continues to be a weakness and there is demand for STEM skills. 

This option is offered as a means of moving toward Focus Academies at a reduced cost.  Of course, the district did not hire 28 needed teachers this year and struggled to start school because of lack of proper funding. 

Capital project money was moved to the General Purpose Fund meaning needed physical improvements have been further delayed. 

There is (was) significant risk that if the District moved ahead with a Focus Academy plan, it would not be funded at the Commission level and therefore would create all kinds of disturbances for students in terms of plans and programs.  Not to mention faculty who may have been hired and then would have to be let go.

So, aside from STEMing the tide of inadequate funding, the focus is on survival. 

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