
Friday, February 10, 2012

Amid Wheel Tax Vote, School Budget Battle Looms

Yes, on February 15th early voting begins for the March 6th election. On March 6th, Tennesseans will cast their vote in the Republican Presidential Primary, choose Sumner County's next Property Assessor, and vote for or against a $25 wheel tax which will generate $3 million a year in additional revenue for our schools

However, as the Star News notes, the wheel tax vote is part of a larger battle.

It seems the School system is anticipating a budget shortfall of at least $10 million. That's exactly what they told County Commissioners in August and September of 2011 when the Commission refused to fully fund the School Board's budget.

Now, even if the wheel tax passes, the Board will face a $7 million shortfall. That will likely mean discussion of closing the night school (E.B. Wilson) and ending or limiting other programs. OR, the County Commission could decide to spend some of its generous reserve fund AND pass a small property tax increase.

The point is, there should be no illusion about what is going to be happening SOON in Sumner County. Our Commission and School Board will be bickering -- and programs (and people) will be facing cuts.

Remember, High School teachers are already operating without the option of substitutes. And principals and other administrators took a 3-day furlough which resulted in loss of pay -- We're paying our principals less and expecting them to do more.

What's next in order to make up the $7-$10 million budget shortfall? OR: Will the County Commission and School Board put aside their minor differences and agree to properly fund our schools?

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