
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

School Board Defers Action on Budget

In yet another year of battle between the County Commission and School Board, the Board voted unanimously last night to defer action on its proposed budget. The Board had previously presented a budget to the Commission that asked for funding for an additional $5 million in needs over what the Commission had previously indicated it would pay.

Not surprisingly, the County Commission is refusing to fund the School Board's budget because to do so would require a small property tax increase.

The Board and staff deferred action to take more time to consider the budget before sending it back to the County Commission.

While items such as textbooks and a small raise for teachers and classified employees (their first in four years) are in the proposed budget, some NEEDS were not included.

They include:

22 teaching positions for growth
$1 million in textbooks for various subjects
1 additional school nurse, 2 social workers
$700,000 in maintenance, operations, and technology positions
$400,000 in small capital projects

It appears the district cut over $4 million from its original projections in an effort to meet the Commission halfway.

It is unclear what programs or proposed positions may be cut if the County Commission persists in its refusal to fund the Schools budget.

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